
We are intellectual property lawyers and patent attorneys, with a background in the neurosciences / pharmacology and a passion for the arts.

Our practice specialises in the area of intellectual property law. We advise and act on behalf of clients to protect and exploit patent, design, trade mark and copyright rights – and other proprietary rights (e.g. confidential information, trade secrets, know-how).

We have experience working in both corporate law firms and patent attorney firms, in addition to backgrounds in scientific research (neuroscience / pharmacology) and a passion for the creative arts.

We have a special interest in fashion law (including fashion tech or wearable technology), health tech (including medical devices), general technology, construction and e-tailing.

What makes us different? Well, perhaps our backgrounds in neuroscience. Or our experience working in industry – beyond the law.

Or perhaps it’s our personal engagement in creative pursuits that hones our scientific minds and helps us to distill the nature of things. Or maybe it’s having enquiring minds and a willingness to be unique.


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